MATCH is set for it's weekly Newsletter!

Keeping you updated with everything MATCH!

MATCH Chain Newsletter Debut 🎉 

Hello Everyone! This marks MATCH's first newsletter!

With plans on bringing you 1 issue of this newsletter every week, here's what you can expect hitting your inbox!

  • Announcements

  • News & Events

  • Market Updates

  • Milestones

  • Giveaways


We’ve Updated our website!

We felt like it's been long due since we needed to refresh our site so that it can reflect our true identity.

This is what we came up with, any feedback is welcome!


MATCH HUB is an initiative with the purpose to connect all DAPPs together through a hub which allows the transfer of data and the flow of traffic in between a multitude of projects on different blockchains.

With lots of partnerships in place that are yet to be disclosed, we expect the MATCH Hub to be a stellar performant in attracting growth to the MAT ecosystem.

Test Net Milestones 

Last week, we've hit 80M completed transactions on our test net, putting us in a favorable position as an upcoming layer 1 blockchain.

Gearing up towards a 100M transactions on our test net, we're set to launch our live Main net around March Time


X Space Events & AMA's  

While the newsletter has been kicked off today, our weekly X space events have been on going for 2 weeks now.

Every Thursday, we're welcoming a new guest from the web3 world to bring us insights into the future of the industry.

We will be hosting Sergei Medvedev who’s the co-founder of, a web3 media outlet that has reached over 200 Million unique users, for our next Space Event.

Tune in!

Top Crypto News This Week 

  1. Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Solana Foundation to advance the development of distributed ledger technology (DLT). The partners did not announce any specific measures but will explore opportunities for development within ADGM’s DLT Foundations Regulations.


  2. A 5 hour long outage occurred on the Solana blockchain which halted millions of transactions on the chain. This wouldn't be the only time that this happened, but fortunately enough, Solana recovered quickly gaining 5% rise in their stock shares.